Gold Standard #10:
FLEXIBILITY. We can handle any
situation. We don’t complain.
After a short night in a hotel in Frankfurt, Germany we gather for a 7:00 breakfast, board a bus and shuttle back to the airport. We have confirmed flights in three different groups. Group One will fly to Copenhagen, Denmark then to Lithuania at 9:30 AM, Group Two will fly straight to Lithuania at 10:50AM, and Group Three (yea that's me!) will fly straight to Lithuania but not untill 8 PM! When each groups gets to Vilnaus we will be bussed to Kaunas which is our final destination. The players and coaches are in Group One and Two along with some USA personnel. They plan to get in a practice later today.
Latest report at 5:00 pm Germany time: Group One is somewhere in their last leg of the flight. Group Two is now bussing to the hotel. Group Three continues to wait it out in the Frankfurt airport. Four of us managed to get into the Red Carpet Club - they sure were particular about 1 guest per card. 2 cards = 4 entrances. Caroline (USA media), Diane (team doctor), Madison (granddaughter of Coach Gray) and myself enjoyed the hours and hours napping, snacking, working on the internet, reading, working (Diane and Caroline), eating, showering, etc.
Madison enjoying ice cream |
Diane catching up on some work. |
Caroline working on USA Basketball media. |
Vilnus, Lithuania airpot |
Group Three reaches Kaunas, Lithuania about 1:45 AM.
Coach Showalter and BJ meet us with our room keys in hand at the Park Inn. TEAM USA all in one place again. Yea!